Bamboo Build Server from Hashicorp
- 2021 - Old school java build server - Onprem installations
Bamboo disk fillup
- 2021 - v7 Bamboo not doing a good job of cleaning out build directories.
Find old node_module dirs to remove. (Had projectes with >80k node_module files
find /home/bamboo/bamboo-agent-home/xml-data/build-dir/*/node_modules -maxdepth 0 -type d -ctime +7 -exec echo {} \; # To delete replace ```-exec echo``` with ```-exec rm -rf```
- Since inode run out on EXT4 going to try BTRFS for /home/bamboo/
mkfs.btrfs --metadata single LABEL=home /home btrfs defaults,noacl,autodefrag,compress,ssd,discard 0 0