C Dynamic Array

int AddToArray (DATA item)
        if(num_elements == num_allocated) // Are more refs required?
                // Feel free to change the initial number of refs
                // and the rate at which refs are allocated.
                if (num_allocated == 0)
                        num_allocated = 3; // Start off with 3 refs
                        num_allocated *= 2; // Double the number
                                                    // of refs allocated

                // Make the reallocation transactional
                // by using a temporary variable first
                void *_tmp = realloc(the_array, (num_allocated * sizeof(DATA)));

                // If the reallocation didn't go so well,
                // inform the user and bail out
                if (!_tmp)
                        fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't realloc memory!\n");

                // Things are looking good so far
                the_array = (DATA*)_tmp;

        the_array[num_elements] = item;

        return num_elements;


Arduino/Carray (last edited 2011-12-18 19:32:55 by PieterSmit)