- 2021 - Coursera course
Bash script to upload python lambda in zip file
1 import boto3 2 import subprocess 3 4 client = boto3.client('lambda') 5 ROLE = 'arn:' + subprocess.getoutput('aws iam list-roles | grep role/lab4 | cut -f3- -d : | cut --complement -c 44,45') 6 BUCKET = subprocess.getoutput('aws s3api list-buckets --query "Buckets[].Name" | grep s3bucket | tr -d "," | xargs') 7 8 9 response = client.create_function( 10 FunctionName='get_reviews', 11 Runtime='python3.8', 12 Role=ROLE, 13 Handler='get_reviews_code.lambda_handler', 14 Code={ 15 'S3Bucket': BUCKET, 16 'S3Key': '' 17 } 18 19 ) 20 21 print ("DONE")
- Python lambda example from course
APIGW setup, Integration mapping template, Content-Type application/json
{ "product_id_str": "$input.params().querystring.get('product_id')" }
Test ApiGW Method Execution, "Query Strings {get_reviews}"
- API GW Integration response Header Mappings
Response header
Mapping value
Python lambda code
1 import boto3 2 import json 3 import re 4 5 def lambda_handler(event, context): 6 product_id_str = event['product_id_str'] 7 S3_BUCKET = 'aws-tc-largeobjects' 8 S3_FILE = 'DEV-AWS-MO-Building_2.0/my_json_lines.jsonl' 9 10 s3 = boto3.client('s3') 11 12 r = s3.select_object_content( 13 Bucket=S3_BUCKET, 14 Key=S3_FILE, 15 ExpressionType='SQL', 16 Expression="select s.review_headline, s.review_body, s.star_rating from s3object[*] s where s.product_id = '" + product_id_str + "'", 17 InputSerialization={'JSON': {"Type": "Lines"}}, 18 OutputSerialization={'JSON': {}} 19 ) 20 21 all_reviews_list = [] 22 helper_format_str = "" 23 for event in r['Payload']: 24 if 'Records' in event: 25 helper_format_str = event['Records']['Payload'].decode('utf-8') 26 helper_format_str = helper_format_str.replace("review_headline", "review_headline_str").replace("review_body", "review_body_str") 27 all_reviews_list = helper_format_str.splitlines() 28 29 result_list = [] 30 for review_chunk in all_reviews_list: 31 result_list.append(json.loads(review_chunk)) 32 33 return { 34 "product_id_str" : product_id_str, 35 "reviews_arr": result_list 36 }
lambda python, checking and extracting info from Bearer token
1 import json 2 import base64 3 4 def lambda_handler(event, context): 5 token_str = "" 6 ipv4_str = "" 7 decoded = {} 8 return_me = {} 9 name_str = "" 10 extract_str = "" 11 cell_str = "" 12 return_me["message_str"] = "Report processing, check your phone shortly" 13 if "Authorization" in json.dumps(event): 14 #i.e we are at the website and have a valid Bearer token passed 15 token_str = event["params"]["header"]["Authorization"] 16 extract_str = token_str.replace("Bearer ", "").strip().split(".")[1] 17 extract_str += '=' * (-len(extract_str) % 4) 18 decoded = json.loads(base64.b64decode(extract_str)) 19 cell_str = decoded["phone_number"] 20 name_str = decoded["cognito:username"] 21 ipv4_str = event["params"]["header"]["X-Forwarded-For"] 22 return_me["cell_str"] = cell_str 23 return_me["name_str"] = name_str 24 return_me["name_str"] = decoded["cognito:username"] 25 return_me["ipv4_str"] = ipv4_str 26 return_me["message_str"] = "Report Processing" 27 return return_me