##master-page:HomepageReadWritePageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en = Spark.Io = * 201606 https://github.com/spark/firmware/releases [[https://docs.particle.io/guide/getting-started/modes/core/|DFU mode]] * 20151203 website changes, got some cores struck on solid magenta. * https://docs.particle.io/guide/getting-started/connect/core/ * Updated firmware with * # sudo particle flash --usb deep_update_2014_06 * Note: got all 3 spark cores working, could turn on and off D7 with particle.io android app., now one-wire ds1820. * 201512-onewire [[particle.io/ds1820]] * 201401 received spark.io micro controller, fancy wifi, cloud connectivity with android app. * it uses STM32 controller, not the Arduino's ATmegas, but does support highlevel wiring language. * The Spark Core uses an ARM Cortex M3 CPU based microcontroller. * Center LED colour meaning || Blue - Flashing || our Core doesn’t have Wi-Fi credentials to join your local network || || Green - Flashing || Your Core has received Wi-Fi credentials (an SSID and password), but still can’t connect to the Wi-Fi network. || || Yellow - Flashing || our Core is missing important firmware. || || Flashing orange || A decryption error occurred during the handshake with the Spark Cloud || || Main LED off, small blue LED dim || Your Core is missing firmware. || || Flashing red || The Core is reporting a panic code, which could be caused by one of a large number of potential firmware issues. || * RED Panic codes * The panic code is signified by a series of flashing red LED blinks. First, the LED will spell SOS ( ... - - - ... ), followed by a number of flashes, followed by another SOS message. * The meaning of the panic codes is described below. 8 flashes, signifying out of heap memory, is the most common issue. 1. Hard fault 2. Non-maskable interrupt fault 3. Memory Manager fault 4. Bus fault 5. Usage fault 6. Invalid length 7. Exit 8. Out of heap memory 9. SPI over-run 10. Assertion failure 11. Invalid case 12. Pure virtual call * '''Memory clear''' * Hold down mode button for 10 seconds, will see burst of blue flashes. * Mode is on left if usb connector on top. * '''Factory reset.''' 1. Hold down both buttons, then release the RST button, while holding down the MODE button. 1. The LED should begin flashing yellow. 1. Continue holding down the MODE button until you see the Core change from flashing yellow to flashing white. 1. Then release the button. The Core should begin flashing blue after the factory reset is complete. * Bus 002 Device 045: ID 1d50:607d !OpenMoko, Inc * Flashing-blue, connect to serial $ minicom -D /dev/ttyACM3 * [[spark.io/OneWire]] try to read temp sensor [[Arduino/DS18B20TempSensors]] ... ---- CategoryElectronics CategoryMobile