= k8s/StudyNotes/k8sNetworking = * CNI - specifies that kubelet should call CNI plugin on container create(ADD) and destroy(DEL) * Config {{{ /usr/bin/kubelet --cni-bin-dir=/opt/cni/bin --cni-conf-dir=/etc/cni/net.d/ --network-plugin=cni }}} * Docker uses default bridge docker0 * Docker creates network namespace (ip netns ) for each container. $ docker inspect abcd * CNI - plugins e.g. bridge {{{ bridge add /var/run/netns/2e34dc }}} * JSON Network config, ADD and DEL between runtime and plugin. * k8s ports in documentation * Services - across cluster pod access * Virtual object created by kube-proxy, IP from pre-assigned range, iptables fwd to pod ip. * Service ip range kube-api-server --service-cluster-ip-range= ipNet )Default: * service ip range can't overlap with pod ip range * View {{{ iptables -L -t nat | grep }}} * kube-proxy --proxy-mode ["userspace", "'''iptables'''", "ipvs"] * view {{{ cat /var/log/kube-proxy.log }}} * Types 1. ClusterIP - only available in cluster 1. NodePort - Just like ClusterIP, but also exposes to fixed external port on all nodes 1. * How * kube-proxy watches kube-apiserver,