= k8s/StudyNotes/k8sDesignCluster = * PROD * HA Multi node cluster, with multiple master nodes * up to 5k nodes * up to 150,000 POD, 300k Containers, 100 PODs/node * Decide to split or stack etc on master nodes * Min 3 for HA / Fault tolerance. * With 2xetcd if one fails, all writes block. Important Update: Kubernetes the Hard Way Installing Kubernetes the hard way can help you gain a better understanding of putting together the different components manually. An optional series on this is available at our youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUupRagM7m0&list=PL2We04F3Y_41jYdadX55fdJplDvgNGENo The GIT Repo for this tutorial can be found here: https://github.com/mmumshad/kubernetes-the-hard-way