## page was renamed from k8s/StudyNotes/TaintsAndToleratons = k8s/StudyNotes/ Taints & Tolerations = * '''Taint's''' added to Node * There is 3 taint effects, for pods with no Toleration for the taint key=value:taint-effect 1. !NoSchedule 2. !PreferNoSchedule 3. !NoExecute => After taint, kills pods on node that cant tolerate taint. * Add a taint to a node Node1A {{{ kubectl taint nodes node1A app=MyPods:NoSchedule }}} * Pods can have '''Toleration's''' they can tolerate the taint, and still schedule to a Tainted node. * The Master Node, starts with taint {{{ kubectl describe node kubemaster | grep Taint }}} * Note, node can be tainted with key: and not value for the key.