= k8s/AutoScaler = * k8s - builtin GA autoscaler - https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/tree/master == View/Debug == * History and status {{{ kubectl get configmaps -n kube-system cluster-autoscaler-status -o yaml apiVersion: v1 data: status: |+ Cluster-autoscaler status at 2024-03-20 01:10:58.844440912 +0000 UTC: Cluster-wide: Health: Healthy (ready=5 unready=0 (resourceUnready=0) notStarted=0 longNotStarted=0 registered=5 longUnregistered=0) LastProbeTime: 2024-03-20 01:10:58.66229529 +0000 UTC m=+412459.398307389 LastTransitionTime: 2024-03-15 06:36:53.20437346 +0000 UTC m=+13.940385459 ScaleUp: NoActivity (ready=5 registered=5) LastProbeTime: 2024-03-20 01:10:58.66229529 +0000 UTC m=+412459.398307389 LastTransitionTime: 2024-03-15 06:36:53.20437346 +0000 UTC m=+13.940385459 ScaleDown: NoCandidates (candidates=0) LastProbeTime: 2024-03-20 01:10:58.66229529 +0000 UTC m=+412459.398307389 LastTransitionTime: 2024-03-15 06:36:53.20437346 +0000 UTC m=+13.940385459 }}} == Config / Priority Scaling == * The k8s cluster must be deployed/configured with expander=priority. e.g. terraform snippet {{{ resource "azurerm_kubernetes_cluster" "k8s" { name = ... ... ... auto_scaler_profile { # https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/cluster-autoscaler#using-the-autoscaler-profile balance_similar_node_groups = false # Pick Zone's 2022 only on scale up expander = "priority" max_graceful_termination_sec = 60 # default 600 seconds max_node_provisioning_time = "10m" # default 15m skip_nodes_with_local_storage = false skip_nodes_with_system_pods = false #lots more settings see https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/azurerm/latest/docs/resources/kubernetes_cluster#private_cluster_public_fqdn_enabled } ... } }}} * Deploy configmap into cluster {{{ #Config map used with AKS priority scaling - autoscaler - expander - priority. # regex match .* = anyting NodePool name. from high to low. # https://github.com/kubernetes/autoscaler/tree/master/cluster-autoscaler/expander/priority # Status: kubectl get configmaps -n kube-system cluster-autoscaler-status -o yaml # See: Terrafrom - tm-infra/terraform/modules/aks-k8s-cluster/main-k8s.tf for priority. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: cluster-autoscaler-priority-expander namespace: kube-system data: # Regex to match VMSS scaleset priorities: |- 70: - "aks-spote4sv3-.*" 60: - "aks-spotd4sv3-.*" 40: - "aks-spotd8sv3-.*" - "aks-spote8sv3-.*" 30: - ".*spot.*" 10: - ".*" }}}