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Revision 1 as of 2010-01-28 05:30:18
Size: 443
Editor: PieterSmit
Revision 2 as of 2021-04-11 00:46:30
Size: 625
Editor: PieterSmit
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 * https://www.nuclear-power.net/nuclear-engineering/thermodynamics/thermodynamic-cycles/heating-and-air-conditioning/coefficient-of-performance-cop-refrigerator-air-conditioner/

Heat pump

The idea is that it uses less energy to pump/move heat than to generate it. e.g. 1kw of power in element generates 1kw of heat, but with a reverse refrigiration cycle by pumping heat out of the air 1kw of power could generate/move 2kw of heat out of the ambient air.


eco/heatpump (last edited 2021-04-11 00:50:26 by PieterSmit)