= RedTape and how it hurts business = * AKA "organizational drag" * Michael Mankins and Eric Garton, Bain & Company partners * companies have established procedures to allocate financial capital, but nothing similar for human capital. * "an organization’s most valuable resource is its people, specifically their time, talent, and energy. This resource is often squandered in attending pointless meetings, handling irrelevant e-mail, and following bureaucratic procedures. They classify all of these time sinks under the term “organizational drag.” * 2021 - https://techcrunch.com/2021/04/01/startups-must-curb-bureaucracy-to-ensure-agile-data-governance/?tpcc=ECTW2020 [[attachment:JokeDiscretion.jpeg]] {{attachment:JokeMeasureOutcomes.jpg}} ---- CategorySecurity CategoryPolitics CategoryArchitecture