##master-page:HomepageReadWritePageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en = OpenOffice Basic snipits = == Converte unix timestamp to date time == * =((A1+13*60*60)/(24*60*60))+25569 * Where a1 is the uinx time stamp ( $date +%s ) and 13 is the local timezone e.g. +13h == Mask IP == {{{ Public Function IP(inIp As Variant, Optional mask as byte) as String Dim a(5) As Long Dim b(5) As Long Dim s() As String If Not IsNumeric(inIP) Then s = Split(inIp,".") dim v as Currency v = ( Cbyte(s(0))*2^24 + Cbyte(s(1))*2^16 + Cbyte(s(2))*2^8 + Cbyte(s(3)) ) else v = 0.0 + inIP rem and ( 2^mask ) End If dim bin(31) as Byte for i = 31 to 0 Step -1 If v >= 2^i then If IsMissing(mask) Then bin(i)= 1 Else If i >= (32-mask) Then bin(i) = 1 Else bin(i) = 0 End If End If v = v - 2^i Else bin(i) = 0 End If Next i for i = 0 to 7 a(1) = a(1) + 2^i*bin(i+24) a(2) = a(2) + 2^i*bin(i+16) a(3) = a(3) + 2^i*bin(i+8) a(4) = a(4) + 2^i*bin(i) next i dim t(4) as String t(1) = Right("000" & CStr(a(1)),3) t(2) = Right("000" & CStr(a(2)),3) t(3) = Right("000" & CStr(a(3)),3) t(4) = Right("000" & CStr(a(4)),3) If IsMissing(mask) Then IP = t(1)&"."&t(2)&"."&t(3)&"."&t(4) Else t(0) = CStr(mask) IP = t(1)&"."&t(2)&"."&t(3)&"."&t(4)&"/"&t(0) End If End Function }}} * concatenate=con * Convert Excel to moinmoin tabel. {{{ * 2nd Column, top row max len/space add. and max len with =MAX(LEN(C2:C2000)) + Ctrl + Shift + Enter * in [A3] =IF(LEN(C2&D2&E2&F2)>0,CONCATENATE("|| ",B2&REPT(" ",MAX($B$1-LEN(B2),0))," || ",C2&REPT(" ",MAX($C$1-LEN(C2),0))," || ",D2&REPT(" ",MAX($D$1-LEN(D2),0))," || ",E2&REPT(" ",MAX($E$1-LEN(E2),0) )," || ",F2&REPT(" ",MAX($F$1-LEN(F2),0))," ||"),CONCATENATE("||<-5> ''' ",B2," ''' ||")) }}} ---- CategoryNetwork CategoryDevelopement