Differences between revisions 3 and 6 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2010-09-29 07:42:10
Size: 1852
Editor: PieterSmit
Comment: Add concatenate example, used for moinmoin imports
Revision 6 as of 2013-02-07 21:42:42
Size: 2153
Editor: PieterSmit
Comment: Update excel to moinmoin to detect header in first column.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 61: Line 61:
    =CONCATENATE("|| ",A1&REPT(" ",10-LEN(A1)), " || ",B1&REPT(" ",20-LEN(B1))," || ",C1&REPT(" ",12-LEN(C1))," ||")
    * 1st Column, top row max len/space add. and max len with =MAX(LEN(C2:C2000)) + Ctrl + Shift + Enter
    =IF(LEN(C2&D2&E2&F2)>0,CONCATENATE("|| ",B2&REPT(" ",MAX($B$1-LEN(B2),0))," || ",C2&REPT(" ",MAX($C$1-LEN(C1),0))," || ",D2&REPT(" ",MAX($D$1-LEN(D1),0))," || ",E2&REPT(" ",MAX($E$1-LEN(E1),0) )," || ",F2&REPT(" ",MAX($F$1-LEN(F1),0))," ||"),CONCATENATE("||<-5> ''' ",B2," ''' ||"))
Line 65: Line 66:
CategoryNetwork CategoryNetwork CategoryDevelopement

OpenOffice Basic snipits

Mask IP

   Public Function IP(inIp As Variant, Optional mask as byte) as String 
        Dim a(5) As Long
        Dim b(5) As Long
        Dim s() As String
        If Not IsNumeric(inIP) Then 
           s = Split(inIp,".")
           dim v as Currency
           v = (  Cbyte(s(0))*2^24 + Cbyte(s(1))*2^16 + Cbyte(s(2))*2^8 +  Cbyte(s(3))  )
           v = 0.0 + inIP
           rem  and ( 2^mask )  
        End If  
        dim bin(31) as Byte
        for i = 31 to 0 Step -1
          If v >= 2^i then
             If IsMissing(mask) Then
                bin(i)= 1
                If i >= (32-mask) Then
                    bin(i) = 1
                    bin(i) = 0
                End If 
             End If     
             v = v - 2^i
             bin(i) = 0
          End If
        Next i

        for i = 0 to 7
          a(1) = a(1) + 2^i*bin(i+24)
          a(2) = a(2) + 2^i*bin(i+16)
          a(3) = a(3) + 2^i*bin(i+8)
          a(4) = a(4) + 2^i*bin(i)
        next i
        dim t(4) as String
        t(1) = Right("000" & CStr(a(1)),3)
        t(2) = Right("000" & CStr(a(2)),3)
        t(3) = Right("000" & CStr(a(3)),3)
        t(4) = Right("000" & CStr(a(4)),3) 
        If IsMissing(mask) Then       
           IP = t(1)&"."&t(2)&"."&t(3)&"."&t(4)
           t(0) = CStr(mask)
           IP = t(1)&"."&t(2)&"."&t(3)&"."&t(4)&"/"&t(0)
        End If
End Function
  • concatenate=con
        * 1st Column, top row max len/space add. and max len with   =MAX(LEN(C2:C2000)) + Ctrl + Shift + Enter
        =IF(LEN(C2&D2&E2&F2)>0,CONCATENATE("|| ",B2&REPT(" ",MAX($B$1-LEN(B2),0))," || ",C2&REPT(" ",MAX($C$1-LEN(C1),0))," || ",D2&REPT(" ",MAX($D$1-LEN(D1),0))," || ",E2&REPT(" ",MAX($E$1-LEN(E1),0) )," || ",F2&REPT(" ",MAX($F$1-LEN(F1),0))," ||"),CONCATENATE("||<-5> ''' ",B2," ''' ||"))

CategoryNetwork CategoryDevelopement

OpenOfficeBasic (last edited 2019-01-28 14:04:08 by PieterSmit)