##master-page:HomepageReadWritePageTemplate ##master-date:Unknown-Date #format wiki #language en = Links and info on Internet tracking and spy'ing, = * 2018 - Is Linux under treat * https://blog.kareldonk.com/im-very-disappointed-in-linus-torvalds/ * 201402 - http://www.dailytech.com/NSA+and+Congress++You+Will+Never+Kill+the+Constitution+Its+an+Idea/article33692.htm * Quote Ms.[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dilma_Roussef|Dilma Roussef]] {{{ If there is no right to privacy, there can be no true freedom of expression and opinion, and therefore no effective democracy }}} * Recommendation for privacy * Steer away from US systems and surveillance state. * 2013 - [[http://download.ted.com/talks/MikkoHypponen_2013X-480p.mp4?apikey=172BB350-0206|TED: Mikko Hypponen: How the NSA betrayed the world's trust]] ... ---- CategoryPolitics