= Guest Wifi = == The 3 wifi options == 1. Open wifi - Just click and connect 2. WPA2-PSK - single key on AP's and shared by all users 3. WPA2-Enterprise(802.1x) - AP forwards encrypted traffic to radius server, server Auth to client with Certificate, Client auth either of User+PWD, Certificate, OTP, etc. == Landing page / Portal == * Re-directs initial client traffic to registration servers and only allows access once authenticated. === What is the goals/clients of guest wifi ? === * Actual Corporate guests, doing presentations etc, needing internet access * Corporate users - keeping private devices e.g. Phones, of the corporate network, but still able to sync o365 email, and get teams alerts * Testing as if connected at home. === Risks: === * Fake AP  (Open , and psk)     -  wpa2-enterprise(802.1x) uses certificate to auth AP * Sniff traffic for info/passwords (Open and psk if key known),  true for any other open AP, * all client traffic should be SSL * Attack on user from other users, on same wifi. (Probes, sniffing etc.)