= Dev/github-ntc-templates = * github - github-ntc-templates * Clone template repo to local. * https://github.com/networktocode/ntc-templates/ * command line mapped through templates/index == Dev Setup == * 2023 moved to invoke and docker away from direct python3 -m venv vev * Run tests on ntc-templates repo with {{{ pip3 install invoke. (or on mac $ brew install pyinvoke poetry python-toml ; poetry install ) # 1 time build test container invoke build #or rebuild # run test suite invoke tests }}} * test under test {{{ # enter build/test container invoke cli fb=tests/cisco_nxos/show_ip_arp_detail/cisco_nxos_show_ip_arp_detail invoke gen-yaml-file ${fb}.raw && cat ${fb}.yml }}} == Checkout remote branch in PR to verify == 1. Go to the remote repo and get the clone repo e.g. {{{ https://github.com/verbosemode/ntc-templates.git }}} 1 Go to the remote repo and get the branch name e.g. {{{ cisco_xr_show_install_active }}} 1. Add the repo as a remote on local repo {{{ #git remote add -t git remote add -t cisco_xr_show_install_active verbosemode#1105 https://github.com/verbosemode/ntc-templates.git # git fetch verbosemode#1105 git checkout verbosemode#1105 git remote -v }}} == Errors and fix's == * Error {{{ ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ruamel' }}} * Fix: forgot to install needed packages {{{ python -m pip install ruamel.yaml python -m pip install textfsm }}}