#format wiki #language en * Links: [[LetsEncrypt]] , [[http://www.jasonsamuel.com/cheat-sheet/]] = Citrix Netscaler MPX Netscaler Notes = * Automated nightly backups * https://discussions.citrix.com/topic/295867-nightly-automated-backups-with-cron-scp-config/ * Linux script to update keys on MPX, using nitro rest web interface * https://www.techdrabble.com/citrix/netscaler/18-letsencrypt-automated-certificate-with-citrix-netscaler * Set cert for web/api interface * [Traffic Management] -> [Load Balancing] -> [Services] -> [Internal Services] * http://pinchii.com/2011/07/replace-default-netscaler-certificate-for-the-management-gui/ == Python nsnitro rest examples == * 2018 - https://cjaiwenwenblog.wordpress.com/2016/03/16/use-nitro-to-disable-sslv2sslv3-in-bulk/ == Command line == * MPX has 2 modes, after login you are in the MPX mode, and issuing the command shell will enter the bsd shell. * list VIP's/vserver's {{{ show vserver }}} * list loadbalanced servers behind the vserver, name obtained above. {{{ show lb vserver $NAME}}} ...