Upgrading a Cisco 6500
Copy the downloaded files to the following locations:
- ROMMON firmware to sup-bootflash BOOTLDR to bootflash IOS to flash disk
- Steps
- Download software
- Copy (ftp) sup-bootflash, bootflash, flash disk
- Verify integrity with #verify /md5 sup-bootflash:xxxx 0c5bxxxxx
- Backup config #copy running-config disk0:/CURRENT-CONFIG
- first upgrade the Rom-Monitor:
- conf t
- upgrade rom-monitor slot 5 rp file sup-bootflash:c6msfc3-rm2.srec.122-17r.SX5
- show bootvar
- Specify the new BootLDR to load during boot:
- conf t
- boot bootldr bootflash:s72033-boot-mz.122-33.SXI2.bin
- Specify the order of the booting images. ( New , Old)
boot system flash disk0:s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.122-33.SXI2.bin "New IOS" boot system flash disk0:s72033-adventerprisek9_wan-mz.122-18.SXF6.bin "OLD IOS"
- Reload the box.
- If during startup, you encounters config related errors like the ones below, make a note of each command the new IOS didn’t apply:
- Proceed with testing STP, IGP’s, LDP, BGP and VPN’s and Crypto’s.
- sh vlan brief "Confirm the VLAN's are active"
- sh ip int brief "Confirm the necessary interfaces are up"
- sh ip ospf neighbors "Confirm all expected IGP neighbor are showing"
- sh mpls ldp neighbors "Confirm all expected MPLS neighbors are showing"
- sh ip bgp summ "Shows the global BGP neighbors or route-reflectors"
- sh ip bgp vpnv4 all summ "Shows the MPLS BGP neighbors or router-reflectors"
- sh crypto isakmp sa "Confirm the expected tunnels are build"
- sh crypto ipsec sa "Confirm traffic passing through the tunnels"