= Azure/azcopy-v10 = * Azure/Microsoft tool written in go (single exec) that makes it simpler to use blob storage * 2023 - Struggling with azcopy again, seems only 3/4 baked, hangs after uploads. (Although they work) * azcopy does not seem very shell friendly. == Get size of Azure Blob container storage == * azcopy list, using SAS url {{{ time ./azcopy-macos list 'https://mycontainer.blob.core.windows.net/uploads?sp=rl&st=2023-01-01T01:55:55Z&se=2023-01-01T02:55:55Z&spr=https&sv=2021-06-08&sr=c&sig=vY7...%3D' --machine-readable --output-type json --properties "LastModifiedTime;VersionId;BlobType;BlobAccessTier;ContentType;ContentEncoding;LeaseState;LeaseDuration;LeaseStatus" --cap-mbps 20 --running-tally > ~/az_list_mycontainer-2023-01-01.txt }}}