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Revision 2 as of 2019-03-10 21:34:31
Size: 452
Editor: PieterSmit
Revision 3 as of 2019-03-10 21:35:49
Size: 500
Editor: PieterSmit
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Certification: This exam counts as credit toward the following certifications:
Azure Administrator
This test contains 77 questions and covers the following objectives:
Manage Azure subscriptions and resources - 13
Implement and manage storage -17
Deploy and manage VMs -14
Configure and manage virtual networks - 18
Manage identities - 15
 * Certification: This exam counts as credit toward the following certifications:
   * Azure Administrator
   * This test contains 77 questions and covers the following objectives:
     * Manage Azure subscriptions and resources - 13
     * Implement and manage storage -17
     * Deploy and manage VMs -14
     * Configure and manage virtual networks - 18
     * Manage identities - 15

Notes: Azure/ExamAZ100 study

  • 2019 - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-az-100.aspx

  • Certification: This exam counts as credit toward the following certifications:
    • Azure Administrator
    • This test contains 77 questions and covers the following objectives:
      • Manage Azure subscriptions and resources - 13
      • Implement and manage storage -17
      • Deploy and manage VMs -14
      • Configure and manage virtual networks - 18
      • Manage identities - 15

Azure/ExamAZ100 (last edited 2021-09-27 00:25:50 by PieterSmit)