Differences between revisions 5 and 6
Revision 5 as of 2020-09-21 20:13:00
Size: 1459
Editor: PieterSmit
Revision 6 as of 2021-04-07 03:33:24
Size: 1536
Editor: PieterSmit
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== Encrypt/Decrypt secrets with ansible-vault before saving in git ==


  • DevOps automation framework.

  • What makes Ansible unique is not host agent, all done through ssh.

Ansible module ping host

  • ping/test connectivity, create inventory file, and run module ping.

    vi inventory.file
    ansible mygrp -i inventory.file -m ping
  • Ansible module setup return facts about a host

    ansible myserver -i inventory.file -m setup
    #Note: add "--tree /tmp/facts" to get facts from multiple servers in groupe, indexed by host
    cat /tmp/facts/* | jq '.ansible_facts | .ansible_fqdn + ", " + .ansible_distribution + ", python:"+.ansible_python_version +", IP:" + ( .ansible_all_ipv4_addresses   | join(",")  ) '
     jq 'if( .unreachable == true ) then ( input_filename +" <<Missing data" ) else ( .ansible_facts | .ansible_fqdn + ", " + .ansible_distribution + ", python:"+.ansible_python_version +", IP:" + ( .ansible_all_ipv4_addresses   | join(",")  ) ) end ' /tmp/facts/*

Encrypt/Decrypt secrets with ansible-vault before saving in git

Ansible error's

  • 2020-09 [WARNING]: Unable to parse <file> as an inventory source

    • Debug with

      ansible --list-hosts all -i <file> -vvv
      • error seen "Skipping due to inventory source not existing or not being readable by the current user"
      • Apparently ansible tries to parse inventory files with different plugins, ini, yaml, etc.

Ansible (last edited 2023-09-06 00:52:04 by PieterSmit)